Born Fabulous Podcasts
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A brief introduction into how and why this website was started.
Hi! My name is Greta Harrison. Thank you for taking the time to check out Born Fabulous Podcast’s website. Season 3 is now launching, and it has truly been a labor of love. Here’s the story.
After season 2, It became very clear to me that every single successful young adult with intellectual disabilities who I interviewed, both on and off the air, dreamed of falling in love and being married. Every. Single. One. So, I thought the next season would be about love, relationships, and marriage.
But as I started to delve into that topic, I realized that independence/ interdependence must come first. These often esoteric concepts are crucial if any young adult is going to have a successful marriage. And while there is information about these topics in book form, stories help us learn in ways that become cemented images in our hearts and souls. So my journey looking for the right young adults started. Independence is hard, the journey took years.
In 2022 I started doing interviews for season 3, continuing until late 2023. Sadly, some people who I was certain would be in season 3 did not work out. Their independence journeys had some hiccups, and while some feel empowered to share those things, they did not. Of course I respect their decisions.
Independence/interdependence was complicated by the fact that most states in the US do not have support for young adults with disabilities due to long waiting lists. Some of the people who didn’t work out for season 3 fell in this camp, they were doing everything on their own, with no support services.
In the end what worked out were two young adults from New York State, one from California, and a married couple from California. New York and California have excellent support services, and no waiting lists. While no system is perfect, they are excellent models for the numerous states with long waiting lists, like Virginia, where I live.
Every young adult featured in season 3 lives in their own apartment or home with proper support.
Season 3 will show you different ways young adults with intellectual disabilities and their families are navigating independent life. In this season you will hear from parents and self – advocates with their support staff. The season ends with a wonderful series about marriage. Successful marriage requires that both families be on the same page. You will hear both sets of parents in an organic in – depth discussion about their young adults’ journey to love and marriage. You will hear from the young couple who have been married over five years. And I am so blessed to end with a wonderful discussion with the progressive employer who employs James Zoul, the young man who is married.
It feels wonderful to finally be releasing this season after months of editing. If you heard seasons 1 and 2, you will recognize some of the young adults. Thank you to Sandra McElwee, Sean McElwee & Julie Ray, Patti McKeon, Kayla McKeon & Alyssa Stallcup, Janice Fialka & Richard Feldman, Micah Fialka Feldman & Katherine Sanderson, June & Jim Zoul with Bob & Melody Rupple, Kristen & James Zoul, and business owners Jamie Minotti & Mark McLarry. Everyone was so gracious with their time and eager to help those behind them. I am forever in their debt.
The Born Fabulous art logo was done by my daughter in 2019. She turns 24 in days, and has Down syndrome and autism.
The theme music lyrics were written by Melissa Riggio, who had Down syndrome. She was my daughter’s first role model. Her whole life we have been looking for people who are breaking stereotypes, increasing awareness, and raising expectations. It was an incredible honor to speak with Melissa’s parents, Steve and Laura Riggio, in season 1. Steve is the former CEO of Barnes & Noble. He and his wife have made a tremendous difference in the world raising awareness, providing educational and living opportunities, and more. The music and voice were by Rachel Fuller, who just happens to be Pete Townshend’s wife. Pete Townshend of the legendary The Who. It is a blessing to have permission to use this beautiful music.
Please like Born Fabulous Podcast on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And after you listen, please tell a friend to help spread the word. Feel free to email me at I would love to know what you think.
From my heart to yours,
Greta Harrison
- Greta Harrison
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