
Sandra McElwee, Sean McElwee, Julie Ray

Hi! Would you like to learn more about Sandra & Sean McElwee and Julie Ray?

First, if you haven’t heard seasons 1 and 2 of Born Fabulous Podcast, please go back and listen. In season 1 Sandra gives an in-depth view of Sean’s journey from birth on. In season 2, Sean and his best friend Sean C (who was also part of “Born This Way” and does not have a disability) discuss their friendship. Both series of interviews will leave you with a smile. You can access those seasons right here on this website or wherever you get your podcasts.

Now for an update. Sean’s business Seanese is alive and well. Sean is becoming more and more involved in the business, and still loves coming up with ideas and doing lots of promotion and events. I can personally vouch for the quality of the shirts and their fast customer service, having ordered many shirts personally.

Sean is also still giving speeches and working at the golf course. He loves his condo and his independence. If you want to see a tour, watch this link to one of his Sean Show YouTube episodes.  Sean is living the dream and still every bit as funny and adventurous as he has always been.

Julie Ray is still a critical part of the Sean Squad. In 2024, critical, competent, caring individuals like Julie are in high demand. The entire McElwee family is grateful, and feels so fortunate that Julie is still part of Sean’s team.

Sandra is enjoying her career as a Chief Dream Facilitator with her company Empower Person Centered Plans in California. Sandra’s husband has now retired, and they are enjoying more travel, something that has always been important to them. To see Sandra’s three books, or more about her business, visit her website.

Inclusion, self-determination, and person-centered planning have always been Sandra’s mantra, and have been critical to Sean becoming the strong, independent young man that he is. There are many sources on these topics. is a great place to start.

If you want to follow Sean or Sandra here are their social media links.

Thanks for visiting this page. Feel free to send any personal comments to me at

From my heart,

Greta Harrison 

Sandra McElwee, Sean McElwee, Julie Ray


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