Micah Fialka-Feldman and Tori Cedar
Micah Fialka-Feldman and Tori Cedar have been friends since 2014. They first met at Syracuse University. Micah has an intellectual disability. He attended InclusiveU at Syracuse University and then became a teaching assistant at the university. He is also a keynote speaker and author. Micah is best known. as one of the stars of Dan Habib’s acclaimed movie, ‘Intelligent Lives”.
Tori became active with Inclusive U as an undergraduate student. She is now a graduate student at Rutgers working on her doctorate. She often credits Micah with helping steer the direction of ehr career.
Micah and Tori connect often in every way from text to Zoom. When they can, they love to see each other and will travel to do so.
Micah and Tori talk about a wide array of issues in their eight part interview. Everything from dating to civil rights and supported decision making is addressed, always including the extra layer of friendship that they have. They are truly best friends. They both hope these episodes, and those of their peers Tim Harris and Ashten Mizell, Sean McElwee and Sean Couevas, and Kayla McKeon and Rachel Burns, will help others have great friendships in their lives.
Intelligent Lives
A Template for Friendship
My name is Amanda and I met Micah at Syracuse University. Tori introduced us during my last year of school and we have been friends since! I am originally from Houston and moved back here after graduation, but Micah has been a constant friend in my life regardless.
I have seen plenty of friendships fizzle out with distance and our busy lives, but Micah has done such an incredible job ensuring that our friendship stays strong. We talk everyday – whether on the phone or through text – about what we have going on for the day, funny things that make us laugh and self-care challenges that we are working on. Every week we talk about our highs and lows and challenges – essentially we talk about something (or a few things) that were really great from the previous week, then something that was hard or unpleasant and we end with something that we are challenging ourselves to work on for the upcoming week. This sounds very simple, but it is one of my favorite parts of the week.
I think that everyone is always so busy and that causes our friendships (especially long distance friendships) to become surface level. But my friendship with Micah is probably one of the most genuine friendships I have.
–Amanda Caffey