
Sean McElwee

Sean McElwee is 25 years old and happens to have Down syndrome. Sean thrived in inclusion in primary school and survived exclusion in secondary school. He is an entrepreneur, creating t-shirts with his funny sayings that can be seen at seanese.com.

He also works at a trampoline park and enjoys Public Speaking encouraging his audiences to never give up on their dreams. Living in his own apartment with supported living staff facilitating his independence, Sean loves making his own decisions and eating bean and cheese burritos every single day.

Sean is a self-professed ladies man, a gifted athlete and has dance moves that own the floor. Sean is a cast member for the Emmy Winning A&E Television show, “Born This Way.”


Sandra McElwee

Sandra McElwee is the proud mother of Sean McElwee, Sandra is the author of three five star rated books: Who’s the Slow Learner, Who’s the Slow Learner? Adventures in Independence, and My Name is Sean and I Have Something to Share. Sandra is a mentor to many families behind her, including mine.

Sandra works in the medical sales field. She loves to travel with Sean on his many adventures, and with her husband of 27 years, Rick. Sandra’s biggest dream is a world where everyone is naturally accepted and included in school, life, and the media.

View Sean’s Website!

View Sandra’s Website!

Sean McElwee & Family

Podcasts & Videos


Sean Launched his website in May of 2017 with 30 designs. Today he has over 120 designs and is still creating more every day. This video tells the story of how the idea for Seanese began.

Seanese Styles

This was Sean’s attempt at a commercial when his company first started, demonstrating the different styles of t-shirts available on his website.

Sean Speach

Sean delivers a Keynote Speech at the California Supported Living Network Conference 2018.

Clothing Drive

Sean is donating $1 from every shirt purchased to provide Baby Onesies to Down syndrome Associations for their new parent gifts. He was able to donate 360 Onesies, but had applications for !,585. He was short $6.525 and made this video asking if Ellen could help him with the rest of the money. (he never heard from her people)

Presentations Highlights

Highlights from a few of Sean’s keynote speeches.

Available for Appearances

Highlight reel of Sean’s appearance and speeches. “I go to Buddy Walks and pose for pictures with the ladies and sign autographs, I give keynote speeches at Galas and education conferences, I do Red Carpet Interviews, Question and Answers on stage, Golf Tournament Ceremonial First Drives and Play golf, Races, Dances, local TV News interviews to promote your event. Please Contact my mom sandra.mcelwee@cox.net

Shaena Stabler - Just For Tonight

Shaena Stabler is a friend of Sean’s who is an aspiring singer. She invited Sean to be in the front seat of the Ferrari in her music video Just for Tonight.

A Little Hope

This is a video Sandra put together to encourage parents who are working for their kids to be fully included in school. It shows highlights from Sean’s school experiences. The website at the end doesn’t exist and is now sandramcelwee.com

Sean McElwee & Family


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